There are many different things to consider when installing a heat pump system, and of course every project is different. That’s why it’s always best to speak with experts about your project, because our years of experience will enable us to provide bespoke answers to your project’s individual challenges. That said, there are a number of questions that we do get asked very frequently, which you can read below.
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Yes, heat pumps can receive very generous grant payments under a Government scheme,。For example, from 2024, the German government will provide subsidies covering up to 70% of the costs for installing new and sustainable heating systems, but the maximum subsidy amount is capped at 21,000 euros. This policy adjustment aims to encourage more households to install heat pumps while ending subsidies for fossil fuel boilers.
Yes, heat pumps work perfectly well with radiators, provided everything is designed correctly. The key to designing a heat pump system is to ensure that the distribution system, be it radiators or underfloor Heating, can operate at the lower flow temperatures produced by a heat pump. Underfloor heating systems cover a large area, which means they can afford a low flow temperature and still deliver the heat required by your home. So when it comes to radiators, we just need to make sure they are sized correctly to enable the heat pump to operate at a lower, more efficient flow temperature than a traditional boiler.
In the vast majority of cases heat pumps will completely replace the need for a boiler. Heat pumps are designed to provide all of the heating and all of the hot water that your property needs. Residential heat pumps are able to handle heat loads up to 14kW, which is more than enough for nearly all homes in the EU. Only in exceptional circumstances, such as a very large house or a particularly old and poorly insulated house, you may want to consider using a heat pump with a boiler as back-up. In these cases, the products that we supply have integrated boiler back-up controls, meaning that the heat pump controls when the boiler is and is not required, in order to optimise the amount of energy delivered by the heat pump.
Heat pumps are capable of producing water temperatures up to 75ᵒC, meaning that they are more than capable of providing all of the hot water to the home. Boilers will typically deliver hot water around 60-65℃, however this is far too hot for comfort–after all we all mix in cold water to make the bath a comfortable temperature, which if you think about it is quite a strange thing to do! We usually set the heat pumps up to provide hot water at 50ᵒC, which is still more than hot enough (typically showers are set to 38ᵒC), but still enables the heat pump to operate at an efficient level.
Our heat pump product boasts exceptional energy efficiency with a double A+++ rating and an impressive SCOP of up to 5.2, achieving over 80% energy savings. The unit intelligently adjusts its load in response to changes in indoor and ambient temperatures, maximizing user comfort and enhancing the product's energy efficiency.
For every unit of electricity consumed, our heat pump generates four units of heat, achieving an efficiency of 400%, making it the most cost-effective option for heating. Compared to traditional heating methods, it saves over 75% in electricity costs compared to electric water heaters, 50% more compared to gas water heaters, and 30% more compared to solar water heaters.
An often unmentioned benefit of heat pumps is the fact that there is no combustion taking place in your house. Most modern day boilers are incredibly safe, and thankfully gas explosions are few and far between, however it is still something that happens. The additional benefit is the improvement to local air quality, as there are no carbon, nitrous and sulphurous oxide emissions produced locally with a heat pump, whereas those gases are all products of traditional combustion based boilers.
The heat pump has a built in holiday mode which will reduce the temperature of the house whilst you are away, and will ensure that the house is back up to temperature for the time you get home!